musings, ramblings, thoughts, and questions

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Its November already. CRAZY!! I tend to just jump straight into Christmas mode after Halloween. But today I realized a little bit of why I may do that (other than the fact that Christmas is just amazing).........

the reality is........ I suck at being thankful.
I don't know why. I really truly am thankful for all that God has given me. I just get caught up in my own desires and things I THINK I "need". 

I don't want that. 

I want to be overflowing with thankfulness. Both towards people and especially towards God. God really does deserve to be thanked. I know for me a lot of this unthankfulness comes from our culture and my messed up heart towards greed and envy. I want.... I constantly want more and more or I play the "if only" game. 
If only God would give me a nicer car then I could be thankful.
If only God would make my skin smoother then I could be thankful. 
If only my husband and I weren't going through a hard time in our marriage then I could be thankful. 
If only I had a better childhood then I could be thankful. 
If only I had more money then I could be thankful.
Even IF I had these things the reality is..... I'd probably still have an unthankful heart. 

So then what to do............
I think it begins with a heart change. Even on the really crappy days I still want to be thankful. Not because I've looked at the "silver lining" but because I realize that even if it FEELS like all is going wrong with the world it really isn't and God still has blessed me in amazing ways......

So what I've concluded is I need to start with being more thankful. So this is a challenge to me to blog about something that I am thankful for every day up till Thanksgiving. This is hard for me because I am not a big blogger. I also want to get better at that. :) 
So for today.......

I am thankful for Blankets.

Whether they're made for you 

Or just big and comfy

or a normal throw blanket

Blankets really are the best part about cold weather. They're comforting when you're sick. They bring warmth when it's cold. They're perfect to hold hands or cuddle under. 

So today I am thankful for blankets.

1 comment:

  1. Love this.. and love & miss you. i think i should do a similar thing.. blog everyday about a gift from the Lord. There are so many and I so often forget to thank Him!
