musings, ramblings, thoughts, and questions

Friday, March 9, 2012

11 things

I usually don't do these things, but I was tagged by a dear friend, kacie, and I'm trying to be blogging more I thought I'd try it out

There are five rules:  
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.

11 Random things

1. I have seen my favorite band, Switchfoot, 18 times in concert
2. When i was growing up I wanted to be a Marine Biologist. Still to this day I have a slight addiction to Killer Whales
3. I hate beans
4. I would chose camping over staying in a hotel 99% of the time
5. I grew up in the city but my heart belongs to the country
6. Growing up I had a cat named "freckles". I was going through a phase where i hated my freckles and our cat had a litter of kittens and my Dad told me one of the kittens had freckles so I instantly was attached and HAD to keep him
7. The movie UP makes me bawl every time I watch it. I mean common.... her name is Ellie..... I was totally like that as a child..... she's not able to have kids (which is my biggest fear)..... so I relate to her character maybe a tad too much
8. I really enjoy watching UFC
9. I bite my cuticles
10. I really dont like Styrofoam. The sound of it is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I dont even like the styrofoam to go boxes they give you at restaurants
11. I used to work in Loss Prevention at a department store. Sitting in an office watching cameras and arresting people for shoplifting, credit theft, and counterfeit cash

questions to answer:

1. what is your happiest memory?

My obvious answer would involve something about my incredible Husband, Jon. Instead I'm gonna shake things up and I'm going to share about my fav memory before I met Jon. I'm going to paint a picture of how awesome it really was...... Summer camp.... backpacking trip for our Counseling Leadership group (CILT heck yes!!)...... pouring rain..... 2 of my favorite people in the world (Ms. Parge and Ms. Quail)........ sitting in our tent..... playing card games........ listening over and over to Eisley's "Trollywood". The day itself was pretty amazing too..... getting lost on the trail...... coming across a snow cave in the middle of July....... It truly will always be one of my happiest memories.

2. what's your favorite drink? (alcoholic or non)
It's a 3 way tie..... Vernor's Ginger Ale, Shirley Temple, or Squirt

3. what is your favorite post you've written?
Well I haven't been blogging for long or often really but probably my last post. I didn't think I would ever write it. I never thought I could get that far.

4. any words of wisdom you'd like to pass along?
Comparison is the thief of JOY

5. what traditions have been passed down in your family?

We dont have many that i can think of but my favorite would be Easter. We make homemade pasta, past sauce (with pigs feet... yum), raviolis, cannolis, and Kadudas(prob spelled wrong). Kadudas are a type of Italian pastry cake thing. Its tastes like a biscotti and cake combined. Ill write a blog post about it this year for sure!!!

6. who do you look like more? mom or dad?
Definitely my Mom. 

7. if you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
Steak, some kind of potato, asparagus, salad, and bread.

8. do you like reading fiction or non-fiction? why?
Im not a big reader.... with my TV fast I'm slowly becoming more enthralled by books though. I would probably say that I LIKE reading fiction books more. I love connecting to the characters and to the story. I do read much more non-fiction "christian living" type books than fiction books though not because I LIKE to but because I know they stretch my thinking. 

9. if you could have breakfast with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go to eat?
My Abuela Franca (my great grandmother). She helped in raising me and was one of the most loving people I will ever know. She would make her pastries and the amazing dulce de leche coffee she used to make for us growing up.

10. would you rather be rich or healthy?
Healthy for sure

11. describe yourself in one sentence.
Work in progress

My Questions to the bloggers I tag:
1. If you could see any band or singer (dead or alive, still together or broken up) who would you see?
2. What's your favorite book and why?
3. If you were stranded on an island what family member would you want to be stuck with?
4. What's your favorite vacation/trip you've taken?
5. If you had an entire day alone with no responsibilities what would you do?
6. If you were to run a non profit organization what would it be?
7. Who's your favorite movie or TV character? Why?
8. Whats one thing you want to do before you die?
9. If you could have any job/career (and you didn't need any training) what would it be?
10. If you could relive one moment/day what would that be?
11. What's one thing you enjoy about how God has made you?

Erin and Amy......'re it :)


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Productivity and LIFE

So yesterday marked 60 days of no TV.......
With the exception of Super Bowl and the worst day ever when Jon and I BOTH got sick and gave in and watched some TV it's been TV free.

I've been super productive with all that extra time that I don't put towards TV

-I've read 2 complete books
-I'm about halfway through 4 other books
-I've been able to do some spring cleaning and organize the apartment
-I've been crocheting a lot and have finished a lot of fun projects-including this beauty (Kindle cover)

Jon and I have had lots more time to just BE together too..........
-We've been reading the Harry Potter books out loud together and we're halfway through the 3rd one
-We've been playing 2 person card games-which is super fun and super frustrating sometimes since we're both so competitive
-We even took a nice long walk last night around our neighborhood (after I had to get 5 layers of clothing on since it's been so cold at night)

Other than all the productive things I've been able to do I've also found that I have more time to just BE and enjoy LIFE!! I'm not as stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I'm able to just take LIFE in.

I even took a 2 hour nap on Tuesday after a very tasty meal with my mom and Nono (grandma) at Red Lobster... 2 HOURS!!!

God really has been revealing a lot about my heart during this process as well. Realizing how much I've been trying to escape my feelings and escape him. I want to be PRESENT with him. Not escape him.

I really do feel like I'm slowly learning how to just BE..... and that feels fan-freaking-tastic