musings, ramblings, thoughts, and questions

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Productivity and LIFE

So yesterday marked 60 days of no TV.......
With the exception of Super Bowl and the worst day ever when Jon and I BOTH got sick and gave in and watched some TV it's been TV free.

I've been super productive with all that extra time that I don't put towards TV

-I've read 2 complete books
-I'm about halfway through 4 other books
-I've been able to do some spring cleaning and organize the apartment
-I've been crocheting a lot and have finished a lot of fun projects-including this beauty (Kindle cover)

Jon and I have had lots more time to just BE together too..........
-We've been reading the Harry Potter books out loud together and we're halfway through the 3rd one
-We've been playing 2 person card games-which is super fun and super frustrating sometimes since we're both so competitive
-We even took a nice long walk last night around our neighborhood (after I had to get 5 layers of clothing on since it's been so cold at night)

Other than all the productive things I've been able to do I've also found that I have more time to just BE and enjoy LIFE!! I'm not as stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I'm able to just take LIFE in.

I even took a 2 hour nap on Tuesday after a very tasty meal with my mom and Nono (grandma) at Red Lobster... 2 HOURS!!!

God really has been revealing a lot about my heart during this process as well. Realizing how much I've been trying to escape my feelings and escape him. I want to be PRESENT with him. Not escape him.

I really do feel like I'm slowly learning how to just BE..... and that feels fan-freaking-tastic

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